Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Monday, 25 November 2013

Google Drive Quiz 


The time is near it is nearly ........
YEAR 6 DAY . if you dont know what year 6 day is it's a whole day dedacated to the year sixes at
Nayland primary School New Zealand  . we go for a swim at nayland pool, we have sassuge sizzle, we have a year 6 concert, and  finally we have a MASSIVE year 6 ......... WATER FIGHT :) . Sometimes the year sixes even get a fire truck at the water fight .The firefighters use the fire hose and spray all the year sixes year six day is so cool  I cant wait till the day and to all the year 5's and naylnd primary you have awesome oppertunites to look forword to for next year the year six day being one .

By Chelsea

Connor's Athletics Day

Click here to watch Connor and Aled's story builder. Here
Leave them a comment or a 'next step' piece of feedback.

Monday, 18 November 2013

A Bit About Trains

Sam H, Ryan and Danny demonstrate a 100 word story using Story Builder
Check it out here!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Monday, 11 November 2013


Flick it on is finally back. There are five flick it on movies in this class and two of them are going around the world. The other three are just going around the syndicate. If you don't know what flick it on is it is a collaborative film making project. People add sound effects, music and voice overs. So we send it away just with a the movie it is completely silent. The movies have to contain the time 3:15 a magic trick and a rubics cube. The movies have to be exactly one minute. The movies go round and round so every movie has something from every school, that are part of this activity.

Here is one of the movies from our class before anything is added on to it.

Final Silent Movie FIO from Room Two on Vimeo.

Liam's 'Happy' Time!

Click on the link to read Liam's latest Story Builder

Dre's Holiday Fun!

Click on the link to read about Dre's holiday
Dre's Holiday Story Builder

Kynan's Speedway Adventure

Click on the link to read Kynan's speedway recount.
Kynan's Latest Story Builder

Jessica H's Riddles

Jessica's Riddles
Check out the link above to see Jessica's latest Story Builder!