Monday 30 June 2014

Room two separately wrote a recipe off the internet or from home, when we had finished we collabrated all of them into one big chef book. We are all very proud!

Tree Planting

We had a fantastic time tree planting. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of parents to help us. We walked down past Nayland College to Wakatau Drive. The ground was full of rocks and it was really hard work. We had to dig the hole, put the native tree in and cover it with a piece of carpet to protect it. At the end we all got given a Kowhai tree to take home.

Steve showed us how to plant the trees

Digging the holes was hard, hard work

Thank goodness we had some excellent grown ups to help us

We put carpet around the bottom of the plants  to protect them

Nelmac gave us a Kowhai tree to take home

Tree huggers