Monday 25 November 2013


The time is near it is nearly ........
YEAR 6 DAY . if you dont know what year 6 day is it's a whole day dedacated to the year sixes at
Nayland primary School New Zealand  . we go for a swim at nayland pool, we have sassuge sizzle, we have a year 6 concert, and  finally we have a MASSIVE year 6 ......... WATER FIGHT :) . Sometimes the year sixes even get a fire truck at the water fight .The firefighters use the fire hose and spray all the year sixes year six day is so cool  I cant wait till the day and to all the year 5's and naylnd primary you have awesome oppertunites to look forword to for next year the year six day being one .

By Chelsea

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad I can't come to year 6 day because it sounds
    so fun and I would have bought my own water pistols and balloons.
    Mona P.P., nayland primary school, nelson
